“Blue Bloods” season 14: Danny’s life turns upside down in the final episodes

This is it, Blue Bloods fanatics. We’re officially halfway through the final batch of episodes, and Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 14 spoilers aren’t telling us much.
What we do know is as exciting as it is sad: Jack Reagan is back.
He will likely also return for the finale, but this time, he’s here to support his dad, as Danny is in major trouble.
Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 14 Spoilers Suggest Danny’s Actions Could Result In A Cop’s Death
It’s been rumored for a while that Blue Bloods’ finale would include a major death, but the clip of the family dinner depicts Danny in dress uniform and his sons wearing ties.
Usually, that kind of formal wear indicates a cop funeral coming up.
Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 14 spoilers show Danny being called on the carpet after a raid, so it’s likely that whatever happens during that raid is connected to the family wearing formal wear.
Of course, this story could also lead into the final storyline(s) for the second half of the season.
Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 13 already planted seeds for Frank’s final story by introducing the conflict between Chase and the new fire commissioner, and this story could be the beginning of Danny’s final story.
Frank’s Response To The Accusations Is Interesting
Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 14 spoilers have Frank telling someone that Danny is a decorated detective.
His integrity throughout the series has often made it difficult for him when his sons get in trouble on the police force.
Frank treats them no differently than any other cop, or at least he tries not to.
It’s impossible to be completely unbiased in a situation where Danny is accused of having gotten away with too much for years. I think he’d have to recuse himself and let his Deputy Commissioner (that would be Garrett) take care of the official 1PP response.
Still, Frank’s definition of fairness includes making sure his sons aren’t treated unfairly just because their last name is Reagan.
That’s not Frank engaging in favoritism. Assuming Reagans are guilty unless proven innocent is just as biased as giving them double the benefit of the doubt as anyone else.
Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 14 Spoilers Have Danny In Trouble Again, Yet The Claims Against Him Are Strangely Timed
It’s odd that the woman Frank is talking to claims that Danny has a reputation as a loose cannon, as he’s cleaned his act up significantly in recent years.
He’s been here before. On Blue Bloods Season 4 Episode 22, he was suspended from duty after trying to investigate a woman’s suicide, and he was accused of inappropriate force in a Season 1 episode.
However, Season 10 onward has given us a more mellow Danny, for the most part.
He’s less likely to reach for his gun first, and on at least one occasion, long-time fans were surprised when he told another cop not to shoot in a situation where it seemed justified.
No wonder Danny’s response is that this accusation against him seems personal!
The suspect Danny roughs up in the promo video seems familiar, so I wonder if this is a complaint resulting from something that happened in a previous episode.
I’m trying to remember the details, but I’m pretty sure this guy was a CI that Danny was annoyed with for not giving him information.
Could someone have reported the incident to get revenge or otherwise cause trouble for Danny?
The accusation against him still doesn’t make much sense if that’s the case.
While the NYPD shouldn’t ignore a cop slamming a suspect against the wall, especially if the suspect claims he was mistreated, the idea that Danny has “gotten away with it for years” when he hasn’t done it in years seems silly.
I also keep coming back to this raid. It’s clear something goes sideways here, but there are several possibilities for what might happen.
Blue Bloods Season 14 Episode 14 spoilers show Danny and some state troopers breaking into a house with guns drawn.
It looks like a situation that’s repeated on countless police procedurals on TV: the cops entering a dangerous location with guns drawn, searching for a suspect, and announcing that certain rooms are clear.
Danny could reflexively shoot if a suspect jumps out at him, but that’s not likely, considering how many years he’s done this for.
It could also be a false tip that ends in tragedy, in which case the police should also investigate who tipped them off and why.
The Reagans Will Rally Around Danny, But How Will This Affect Him?
While it’s not clear what will happen or why, one thing you can count on is the Reagan family rallying around Danny.
They know he’s a good man regardless of the accusations against him, and this family has each other’s backs.
The fact that Danny’s son returns to support him speaks volumes, and the family will not back down until they ensure Danny is treated fairly and his case is resolved.
The bigger question, however, is how this will affect Danny.
He already was feeling worn down after dealing with a suspect with severe disabilities who didn’t understand what was happening, and this won’t help.
Danny’s distress over this will undoubtedly lead to his final storyline, especially because he doesn’t have Linda to lean on.
However, this could lead to him and Baez getting even closer as the series draws to a close.
What do you think, Blue Bloods fanatics?
Will Danny get the short end of the stick with this new accusation? How will it affect his final storyline as the series wraps up?
Hit the comments with your thoughts.